Yellowstock Festival 2015
De Bogaart, Geel, Belgie
August - 08 - 2015
from Spacebandit archives
a MIRO and BLUESHACKS taping trip
Rec. Info:
Sony ECM 717 mic -> Zoom H2n (@ WAV 16/44) -> SDcard -> Snailmail -> my HD -> Audacity (edit/remaster) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by dear MIRO and BLUESHACKS. It was not indicated who recorded which show, but as I know from my previous trips with the two good friends,that it was most likely 50:50.
In contrast to some other former posted shows from this festival, this seems to be recorded very upfront, maybe up or behind the small bushes that surrounded the stage outside.
As this was the prefinal show before HAWKWIND took the stage INSIDE the small venue (a youth centre), this must've been outdoor. A few chatters here and there, which disturb the
quieter parts a bit, but still a very nice recording. But all could be different...
Another great tape from lovely YELLOWSTOCK 2015. MY SLEEPING KARMA from Aschaffenburg, Germany, are one of my favourite SpaceStonerRock bands ever. Will be, too.
I've to admit that I first discovered them around five years ago when they supported BRANT BJORK on his european (or german?) tour. Immediately their hypnotic swirl of indian
rhythms, spacerock and the massive attack of stonerrock implicated me into a heartfilled relation. You know, when you're IN THERE. Very nice guys too, and I'm really looking forward
to experiencing them this year again. And again...This is a rather short show, missing some masterpieces, but they'd surely succeeded with the majesty of their music.
I don't think that HAWKWIND went pale in their faces about that, but I guess both eyebrows went up! Enjoy...lighten one good one from autumn's harvest...a good year 'tis was! SB.
FULL SHOW (59:27 min.)
01. Intension (9:06)
02. Prithvi (6:31)
03. Enigma 23 (6:23)
04. Ephedra (7:08)
05. ... (5:23)
06. Tamas (5:56)
07. Ahimsa (5:05)
08. Matte's grateful thanks (0:57)
09. Psilocybe -> (7:23)
10. Hymn 72 (5:30)
all track titles matter of guess
the usual facebook ect. sites...
Support this awesome band, go to their shows, buy all the merch your spaceship can carry.
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use only. No lossy net use! Flac rules!
If you spread keep lineage/taper info intact. It's us tapers that give you this recording for free!
If you'll get a one way ticket to the moon...
MY SLEEPING KARMA since 2005...
SEPPI - guitar
MATTE - bass
STEFFEN - drums
NORMAN - keyboards, synthesizers
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2016/01/02
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: