Nativos Jammin Orchestra
25th Fingerlakes Grassroots Festival Of Music And Dance
Infield Stage
Trumansburg, New York
2015-07-18 Saturday
86'F 44%RH
Source: (1) Busman BSCS-L > Edirol OCM R-44 (24/41)
(2) JB-mod NAK CM-300 (CP-3's) > Edirol OCM R-44 (24/41)
(3) H2 Zoom (SBD)
Location: sweet spot front of board
Transfer: Audacity > Soundforge > CD Wave > TLH
Soundman: Grassroots Crew
Taped by capnhook (
and Bruce polkat Parker (
d1t01 -intro-
d1t02 Nativos Jammin Orchestra
d1t03 Turi Turi
d1t04 Forever Loving Jah >
d1t05 Reggae Rumba
d1t06 -thank you and song intro-
d1t07 This Ain't No Game
d1t08 We Live Wide Awake >
d1t09 Madre Tierra
d1t10 -crowd-
d1t11 Sale El Sol
d1t12 -song intro-
d1t13 Musica de los Andes
d1t14 -thank you-
d1t15 Echate Paca
d1t16 -outtro-
Never For Sale.
Please support artists that allow taping by buying merchandise & attending shows.
Fabio Pati�o - Vox & Percussion
Chris Lopez - Guitar
Naldo Laboy- Cuatro
Sam Savage - Trombone
William Vivas - Tenor Saxophone
Karla Corona - Conga
Ephniko - MC & Congas
Renzo Vargas - Drums
Will Rodriguez - Bass
Monsef Rachid - Guitar
Catalina Roca- Vocal
Samara Ash - Vocal
Cintia Lovo- Vox & Percussion
Jennie Delgado- Bongos
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: