N'awlins Gumbo Kings
April 29, 2012
5:00 PM
Denton Arts and Jazz Festival
Main Stage
Quakertown Park
Denton, TX

Source: AT853 (cards, DFC/FOB/ORTF @ 8') > 3-wire BB > Olympus LS-10 (24/48)
Transfer: SD Card > Inspiron 1501 > Audition 3.0 (dEdit) > r8brain 1.9 (dither@vhq) > CDWave 1.98 > TLH (flac8)

Disc One:

01: //I'm Excited
02: -UFO banter-
03: UFO Saloon
04: Tin Roof Blues
05: South Rampart Street Parade
06: (When the) Saints Go Marching In *
07: -crowd/outro-

Total Time: 28:56.04


* w/ Band Intros

Despite my best efforts with rats, there is still a bit of wind rumble. It was stand swaying windy all weekend. Incomplete recording, hit record as soon as I got there and was setup.


Boost right channel 1.5dB, fades


Steve Howard - Trumpet
Bobby Breaux - Drums
Brian Piper - Piano/Vocals
Mike Sizer - Clarinet
Carl Hillman - Bass
Tony Baker - Trombone