Neil Young
Louisville Convention Center,
Louisville, KY
Unknown Audience
TDK AD 60 Cassette Transferred Via Sony TC-D5M >Tascam DR100mkII (24bit/48kHz)
WAV >Audacity (Amplify By 3.69db, Index Tracks, Downsample To 16 Bit / 44.1kHz) >FLAC (Level 8) + Tags Via xACT 2.53 By OldNeumanntapr (+ front cover artwork)
01. The Old Laughing Lady
02. Comes A Time
03. Don't Let It Bring You Down
04. Down By The River
05. Soul Of A Woman
06. Are There Anymore Real Cowboys?
07. Old Man (tape flip, no music lost)
08. talk
09. California Sunset
10. Helpless
11. Dance, Dance, Dance
12. Heart Of Gold
13. Don't Be Denied
Neil Young, Solo
OldNeumanntapr Notes:
I've had this cassette since 1987 and got it from my friend Tim Harris. It was only marked 'Neil Young Louisville', so I had to search through to match up the setlist with a date. It's not a bad recording, and is clear and up-front sounding, though there is some talking from the taper in a few places. I was really surprised that no one at etree had it in their collection. Neil mentioned taking an intermission at the end of the recording, but apparently he ended the show early because of the flu and there was a riot, described in the following newspaper report:
LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- Flu-stricken musician Neil Young ended his concert early Friday night and passed out in his dressing room while fans jeered and threw chairs. Three people were arrested.
Police said there were no injuries.
Those taken into custody were charged with inciting a riot, wanton endangerment, criminal mischief and criminal attempted assault.
Police restored ordered in about an hour at the state-owned Commonwealth Convention Center, where about 5,500 people paid $10.50 and $12.50 for the concert.
Dr. Richard Greathouse of Louisville, a pediatrician and elected Jefferson County coroner, announced to the crowd that Young had become ill and was unable to continue the performance.
The announcement prompted jeers by the crowd. Some people threw cups of beer and tossed chairs. Police estimated damage at the downtown convention hall at $1,000.
A spokesman for Sunshine Productions, the agency that booked the concert, said Young has been suffering from the flu for several days.
'He's very sick,' Sunshine spokesman Steve Cohen said. 'The rigors of the road are not an easy thing and an illness doesn't make it any better.'
Cohen said the concert probably would be rescheduled. He promised a prompt announcement on tickets for those who had attended the abbreviated concert.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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