Neil Young with Crazy Horse
Eurotour 2001 Compilation
Disc 1:
01 Don't Cry No Tears - Oberhausen, Germany, 2001-06-23
02 I've Been Waiting For You - M�nchen, Germany, 2001-06-27
03 Love and Only Love - Frankfurt, Germany, 2001-06-20
04 Piece of Crap - Oberhausen, Germany, 2001-06-23
05 Going Home (2nd performance) - M�nchen, Germany, 2001-06-27
06 Hold You in My Arms - Stockholm, Sweden, 2001-07-03
07 Don't Say You Love Me - Montreux, Switzerland, 2001-07-10
08 From Hank to Hendrix - Paris, France, 2001-06-24
09 Don't Let it Bring You Down - Paris, France, 2001-06-24
10 Pocahontas - Frankfurt, Germany, 2001-06-20
11 After the Goldrush - Roskilde, Denmark, 2001-06-29
12 Only Love Can Break Your Heart - Glasgow, Scotland, 2001-06-10
Disc 2:
01 Standing in the Light of Love - Berlin, Germany, 2001-06-26
02 Gateway of Love - Gent, Belgium, 2001-06-18
03 Hey Hey, My My - M�nchen, Germany, 2001-06-27
04 Sedan Delivery - London, England, 2001-06-16
05 Opera Star - Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2001-06-21
06 Rockin' In the Free World - Lucca, Italy, 2001-07-21
07 The Losing End - Oslo, Norway, 2001-07-04
08 Like a Hurricaine - Erfurt, Germany, 2001-07-07
Disc 3:
01 Out on the Weekend - Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2001-07-24
** The Needle and the Damage Done - Naeba, Japan, 2001-07-28 *** REMOVED ****
03 Long May You Run - Lucca, Italy, 2001-07-21
04 Cinnamon Girl - Sheffield, England, 2001-06-09
05 Fucked Up / Fuckin' Up - Birmingham, England, 2001-06-15
06 Tonight's the Night - Erfurt, Germany, 2001-07-07
07 Welfare Mothers - Vienne, France, 2001-07-17
08 Down By the River - L�rrach, Germany, 2001-07-22
09 Roll Another Number - Lucca, Italy, 2001-07-21
Disc 4:
01 Come On Baby Let's Go Downtown - Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2001-07-24
02 Going Home #2 - Erfurt, Germany, 2001-07-07
03 Cortez the Killer - Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2001-06-21
04 Powderfinger - Montreux, Switzerland, 2001-07-10
05 Greensleeves/Thanks for Coming! - Montreux, Switzerland, 2001-07-10
Notes by _tunic_ on 2019-06-19:
This compilation was reseeded by SmallPaul a few days ago, but it got banned because of a non-Dime-compliant date format. I've adapted all dates in the info file and filenames, and created new checksums. And added these notes to the info file. The artwork remains unchanged.
Big thanks to all people that were involved in the making of this compilation. You should see your name listed below, if not then thank you too!
Unfortunately track 2 on disc 3 The Needle and the Damage Done as performed on the Fuji Rock Festival had to be removed as well from this compilation for the following reason, see e.g.:
Banned in the past,both the DVD and audience recording has been banned very recently with the following ban notice:
This concert was produced and aired on WOWOW
According to Dime's rules recordings (audio or video, from any source) of material that was produced by or for such a station or channel [in the absence of contrary evidence, we will infer that the content was produced for the first channel that aired it] is NOT allowed
The information about used lineage was originally shared. Here is what was written back in 2009 by Elkevir according to the bot archives at
I adapted the text to sort the list of lineage by date:
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
2001 Eurotour Compilation
Different sources and lineage,
but all proceed of archives flac shared in DIME or another similar tracker.
Source: Flac/Shn files from a lot of torrents.
Lineage: Various.
- Sheffield 09/6/2001: cdr (I was told these are copies from copies from the mastertape) > flac (6)
- Glasgow 10/6/2001: Schoeps CCM4 > Aerco > SBM1 > D8 > Audio CDRs (Mitsui) rec'd in trade > EAC > HD (wav) > TLH (level 8) > flac > torrent
- Birmingham 15/6/2001: Schoeps CCM4 > Aerco > SBM-1 > D8 > Sony PCM-R500 > MBOX > ProTools > Xact > FLAC(8)
- London 16/6/2001: cds in a trade > eac > wav > flac (level 8)
- Ghent 18/6/2001: AUD Schoeps CCM4->Aerco->SBM-1->D8 > Sony PCM-500->Audiomedia III->ProTools->JAM->CDR-EAC(secure)->xACT->FLAC(8)
- Frankfurt 20/6/2001: DAT Master > CDR AT853 > Denecke AD20 > Sony M1 > CDR> eac > flac
- Rotterdam 21/6/2001: cdr (I was told these are copies from copies from the mastertape) > flac (6)
- Oberhausen 23/6/2001: cdr (I was told these are copies from copies from the mastertape) > flac (6).
- Paris 24/6/2001: unknown cdr's > xACT 1.62 > flac
- Berlin 26/6/2001: CD> eac> mkw> shn > TLH > flac
- Munich 27/6/2001: cds in a trade > eac > wav > flac (level 8)
- Roskilde 29/6/2001: Silvers > EAC > wav > flac
- Stockholm 03/7/2001: Silvers > EAC > wav > flac
- Oslo 04/7/2001: cds > eac > flac
- Erfurt 07/7/2001: Audio CDRs direct from taper (BASF) rec'd in trade > EAC > HD (wav) > Trader's Little Helper (encoding level 8) > flac > torrent
- Montreux 10/7/2001: CDR > EAC > WAV > FFE > FLAC
- Vienne 17/7/2001: KM140 > SD-MP2 > SBM > D8 > CD-R Audio CDRs (Mitsui) rec'd in trade > EAC > HD (wav) > Trader's Little Helper (encoding level 8) > flac
- Lucca 21/7/2001: SHN trade > WAV > FLAC
- Lorrach 22/7/2001: dat master >marantz DR 700 > cdr >EAC >wav >flac
- Naeba 28/7/2001: Audience > CDR > WAV > mkwAudio Compression > shn > TLH > flac
The quality varies between ****/***** (good or very-good).
Thanks to tapers & seeders (rainer, stef1205, tbugsett, clydethecamel, bearsm53, edtyre, theocean, zuma11, stainless, sunwalker...)
I have taken like reference the torrent's covers. Originally this is a compilation by Shawn McCorkle on 2001. Photos by Barend Hoogthljiing, Serge Gironnay, Rockphoto and Scanpix, with thanks to Hulb Krijgsman, Thor Bugsett and Mark Winfield. Design by Open Sky Visions. Many thanks to all.
All the themes come from the EuroTour 2001, except the missing track 302 from Fuji Festival (the Tour's only interpretation).
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: