Neil Young and Crazy Horse
Ulm, Baden-W�rttemberg, Germany
20. Juli 2014
minimax master-series #401
Master - Audience recording
Parking-costs: sorry, no parking costs, went over there by feet & train (and before you'll ask me again: of course I've passed Gross-Gerau and Klein-Gerau on my way to Ulm again!!)
weather-conditions (due to massive requests!!): hot, hot, hot
catering: several mineral-Waters, a sch�bsche Maultaschsupp (in a spanish restaurant!!!), beer, coffee, ice-cream, a bad-tasting-red sausage with br�tchen.....
Taping-location: in the middle of the brave mob, second and a half row, about 4,86 meters from the stage
Sound-quality: a bit windy. Had a few problems in adjusting at the beginning due to some red-alert-Zoom-signs, but it's getting better and better and better.............
Equipment: Zoom H4N - Sound professional microphones SP-CMC-8 - SP-SPSB-8 Sound Professionals
concert-info: The Schw�rweekend at Ulm, many many festivities, lights on the main river: the Donau, hundreds of bands playing here and there from friday to monday,
a classical concert taking place in the M�nster, the highest cathedral in Germany.
And on that sunday, right on the right side of that little small church on that little small stage Neil and the Horse took the stage to rock in Ulm and um Ulm and um Ulm herum (just to say that old Kinderreim here too!!).
As I wanted to see them clearly and record them (with some windscreens on the micros � near a church there's always a lot of wind) I couldn't rush up to the rail so I was in the middle of some enthusiastic fans,
sometimes you can hear them yelling. Aaargh, a Minimax once again is yelling his usual �Poncho� right at the start. He has to do that. It is an innerer Zwang!! It is a live-concert, but it has a great sound.
Anyway, this will be the one and only torrent that will include an extraordinary special intro and outro.
As told before: it took place beneath the Ulmer M�nster. It all started at 7 p.m. (as told on the ticket) � and so -as a bonus � you have the holy holy church bells ringing seven times right to the start of this �gallopping event� � and right at the end you hear 'em ring a huge �goodbye Neil and the Horse�!!
Rick (R.I.P.)
Bonus one
Love and only love
Goin' home
Days that used to be
Living with war
Love to burn
Name of love
Blowin' in the wind
Heart of gold
Barstool blues
Psychedelic pill
Cortez the killer
Rockin' in the free world
Who's gonna stand up and save the earth?
Bonus two
Support this band
Buy their records and merch
Go to their concerts!!!!
Miss "Poncho" as old minimax does
Do not sell. For trading only. ..and -of course- for fun!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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