Highly requested at the 'Rust' yahoo group, I obtained this through a trade and wanted to share it with the Neil fans of the group. This was originally 2 '1 track' audio disc's . I split it into individual tracks as best I could, and converted to flac for sharing here.

1 flac > 2 audio
Original CD-r > EAC > CD-Wav Editor > Flac Frontend > flac

Neil Young
How Ya' Doing?
"The Funniest Damn Neil Tape Ever Made."
Roy Harpoon Dodger

Numerous Jokes, Interpersonal Interpartion, Insults, Comments,
Memories and Stories ...Onstage 2 cd's

Mingled with odd and humorous versions of..

This Notes for You
Too far Gone
Old King
Roll Another Number
Kinda Fonda Wanda
Piece of Crap

artwork from SpaceCoast

Trade and Share Freely, Never Sell!
Do Not Convert to MP3, or other Lossy format