Nels Cline and Oren Ambarchi
The Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia
Melbourne, Australia
April 30th, 2009

Recorded by Chris Jacques (SeanceMascara)

Recorded with:
Church Audio STC-11 > Church Audio ST-9100 w/Bass Rolloff at 80hz > iRiver iHP-120 w/Rockbox installed

iRiver iHP-120 > Sony Sound Forge 8 (Raised Volume +24.9dB, Fade In/Out, Splits) > FLAC Frontend (Level 8) > FLAC

Recording Notes:
Show was recorded from the back of the room. I was holding the mics in my hands and pointing them at the sound
source. As the event took place in an art gallery there are sounds of footsteps as people walk around. Also, a
dropped bottle or two in there aswell.

1. Jam