Fuji Rock Festival
Tokyo, Japan
August 2, 1998
source: soundboard
lineage: trade CD-r of unknown gen > EAC > SHN > WAV > FLAC
Uploader notes:
Hi all - given a shortage of Nick’s tapes from the 90ies on dime, we decided to seed a few that aren’t here and haven’t been at least in the past 2-3 years, that sound nice, and for which we have some decent source/lineage info. In the past few days, I have been posting a show per tour :)
Time to wrap it up with 1997-1998 and in light of my mostly sourceless tapes from a rather small tour of 1997, I am jumping straight into 1998!
It’s a good one though!! This is a SBD recording from one and only show in Japan - 1998-08-02 Fuji Rock - first released by no less that one of dime’s respected Mods (!) jupiter2101 years ago :) Now, what I have here is actually a flac’ed version of that original shn release - and these flacs were posted by (as I discovered!) dime user zipty6. Zipty6 - if you see this post, I hope you don’t mind: it’s an awesome show, and I’m not sure if (or when) it was on dime before! I sent you a PM…. Below is information as it was in Zipty6’s info file and the original Jupiter’s info file and artwork are left in the folder untouched.
Enjoy! And anything Nick Cave you are willing to seed will be much appreciated as well!
Seeded to dime Dec 27th 2015 (FREE LEECH!)
01 Do You Love Me?
02 Lime Tree Arbour
03 Red Right Hand
04 Stagger Lee
05 I Let Love In
06 From Her To Eternity
07 Where The Wild Roses Grow
08 The Mercy Seat
09 The Weeping Song
10 The Ship Song
11 Into My Arms
Shn files seeded on easytree by jupiter2101.
His artwork included included.
I converted from shn to wav using mkwACT 0.97 beta 1.
FLAC frontend v was then used at level 8 with
sector boundaries aligned.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: