Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds
Electric Factory
Philadelphia, PA US
June 5, 2017 (2017-06-05)
taper: Edgar
location: a good one
Source: AT831>batt box roll off @ 107>Edirol R05 @ 16/44.1
Editing, tracking: inez (Izotope Rx and Audacity)
uploader comments:
I have no words to describe this show really. Well, ok, I have no words to describe 3 Nick shows of this tour that I have been privileged to witness so far. And in all likelihood, those who download this do not need much of an intro - BUT: if you did not have a chance to see Nick perform PLEASE do yourself a favor. It’s not like ANYTHING you have ever experienced… And I do see enough shows :) It’s a ritual, it’s a fusion, it’s some energy exchange that happens by the stage that I have never experienced with any other artist. Nick does not control elements - he IS the element. And this tour - maybe like no other - makes it just so painfully obvious.
I was worried about this specific location; heard enough (having not been to Electric Factory before - shame on me!) that the stage is ultra high and not conducive to interactions, which are such an intrinsic part of Nick’s delivery - BUT they must have changed the stage :) and they piled up those boxes/amplifiers in between the stage and the rail - basically, he was on top of us all evening! It was also a different kind of venue - he’s played mostly theaters, some of them all reserved seats, some (like Brooklyn) had GA pit, but still a relatively spacious and formal-looking place. Electric Factory is a whole different beast. This was the smallest stage on this tour, all-GA space, raw, hot as hell, with people on top of each other - and it worked beautifully. My god this was so intense.
Now, I am playing a fan-girl all the way this tour (meaning, unless Nick grabs my arm or parks his knee in my hand or on top of my shoulder — I do not feel like I experienced a gig to the fullest Lol) so I arranged with my friend to come and tape this show. Things were planned out but a few weeks ago, he had to bail out because of work conflicts. So I turned to Edgar, who’s not even a Nick fan per se, and had enough obligations for this month - and I think my message contained mostly exclamation marks! Lol AND - I am incredibly grateful that despite all that and complicating health circumstance that almost forced him to cancel ‘the day of’ - he MADE IT IN and captured the magic in an impeccable, stunning way. It sounds amazing! THANK YOU for that.
ENJOY! and please go see Nick - you won’t retreat it. As I read in some article the other day ‘he’s your Dylan, your Lenny Cohen, your Bowie - he’s one of those guys’ - they don’t make them anymore.
01. intro
02. Anthrocene
03. Jesus Alone
04. Magneto
05. Higgs Boson Blues
06. From Her to Eternity
07. Tupelo
08. Jubilee Street
09. The Ship Song
10. Into My Arms
11. Girl in Amber
12. I Need You
13. Red Right Hand
14. The Mercy Seat
15. Distant Sky
16. Skeleton Tree
17. encore break
18. Mermaids
19. Nobody's Baby Now
20. The Weeping Song
21. Stagger Lee
22. Push the Sky Away
total time: 2 h 27 min 11 sec
seeded to dime: June 7th, 2017
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Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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