Nick Lowe and His Cowboy Outfit
(featuring Paul Carrack)
19 oct 1985
The Ritz, NYC
(Afternoon show!)
Westwood 1 Pre-FM master > WW1 prod. Cassette > CDR > Flac
***Note: these are the RAW recordings, before editing and adding station i.d.'s etc. In other words, these are the tapes before the broadcast version was put together, NOT the pre-FM LP or Cd master that was used for final broadcast.
Maybe they should be called the PRE-PRE-FM masters...!
addl note: in some cases, a song will start and then suddenly stop and restart. That is on the original master reels (and these cassettes) and not a defect or mistake in this or any of these torrents. usually happening at the 30 min. mark or thereabouts, indicating (to me) that multiple reels were used to capture the entire concert.
1 intro
2 raging eyes
3 she don't love nobody
4 crakin' up
5 Marie Provost (poor Marie)
6 one woman man (Carrack vocal)
7 saint beneath the paint
8 my wildest dream >
shake and pop
9 tempted (Carrack vocal)
10 -
11 cruel to be kind
12 rose of england
13 ?
14 7 nights (?)
15 I knew the bride
16 ? (Carrack vocal)
17 How long has this been going on / reggae jam (Carrack vocal)
18 half a boy half a man