Nick Lowe and Los Straitjackets
Fred Kavli Theatre For The Performing Arts?
Thousand Oaks, CA
August 28, 2022

Opening for Elvis Costello and The Imposters

Great opening set from one of rock's most charming and engaging statesman. Nick seems only to get better with age. Samples below.

24bit 48K recording. If you still burn to CD, it's pretty easy to convert the files to CD specs. Most burning programs do it internally.

Sonic Studios mic>Battery Box>Edirol R-09HR>ProTools (for level adjustment, eq, compression, and song separation)>Flac

Taped and mastered by JB. Please don't sell. Please do not convert to lossy format and upload anywhere.


01. So It Goes
02. Ragin' Eyes
03. Without Love
04. You Inspire Me
05. I Live on a Battlefield
06. Tokyo Bay
07. Kawanga! - Los Straightjackets only
08. My Heart Will Go On - Los Straightjackets only
09. Trombone
10. Half a Boy and Half a Man
11. Cruel to Be Kind
12. I Knew the Bride (When She Used to Rock 'n' Roll)