Nick Lowe and Los Straitjackets - 2023-06-24, Milwaukee, WI

Nick Lowe and Los Straitjackets
BMO Harris Stage
Milwaukee, WI

01 - So It Goes
02 - Ragin' Eyes
03 - Without Love
04 - Lately I've Let Things Slide
05 - Battlefield
06 - Somebody Cares For Me
07 - Tokyo Bay
08 - Kawanga!
09 - The Magnificent Seven Theme
10 - Venus
11 - Itchy Chicken
12 - House For Sale
13 - Half a Boy and Half a Man
14 - Trombone
15 - Shting-Stang
16 - Cruel to Be Kind
17 - When I Write the Book
18 - I Knew the Bride (When She Used to Rock 'n' Roll)

Zoom iQ7 -> iPhone SE 2016 with Handy Recorder app .wav -> split & amplified in Audacity -> flac

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