D�sseldorf , Germany
12. Dezember 1986
Master - Audience recording from my old TDK-Sa C-90 Tapes
Artwork is included !!
This concert I taped with my old AIWA-walkman and an extern microphone
(I can't remember what equipment it was).
I recorded it from about 5 meters from the stage
on the left side in the middle of the audience.
The sound quality is very good+ to excellent-.
Oh, a strange concert in my long time-taper-career: Miss Ch. Paeffgen herself.
As expected it was a bit boring and trist (as I thought about some nice methods
of committing suicide afterwards, but did not find a real spectacular one), but the audience
gave her a frenetic applause at the end.
Hope you like it and enjoy (enjoy????) it.
Christa Paeffgen
Do not sell. For trading only. ..and perhaps for fun!(??????)
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