Tom Morello "The Nightwatchman"
Thursday, November 12. 2008
Milwaukee WI USA
Turner Hall
Ike Reilly and Boots Riley opened for The Nightwatchman and joined him onstage as guests.
The Freedom Fighter Orchestra joined with The Nightwatchman for all full band songs
Disc 1 (34:26.43)
01. intro
02. One Man Revolution
03. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
04. Lights Are On In Spidertown
05. The Fabled City
06. The King Of Hell
07. Union Song
08. Whatever It Takes
Disc 2 (57:00.51)
09. 100 Little Curses (*with Boots Riley)
10. Ghost of Tom Joad
11. St. Isabelle
12. Guerilla Radio (*with Ike Reilly)
13. banter - loud tuning
14. The Garden Of Gethsamane
15. banter - Freedom Fighter Orchestra intro
16. The Road I Must Travel
17. banter - Nightwatchman Brigade
18. We're An American Band
19. banter- encore break
20. This Land Is Your Land
Source: digital audience recording, house left side, recordist moved to center after first few songs due to extreme loudness