Nils Lofgren solo
2 meter session KINK FM
Radio studio Amsterdam
Nils taking a day off from the Springsteen tour and recording this 2 meter session.
Promoting his latest release "Nils sings Neil" he plays only Neil Young songs.
Not sure about the date. Bruce played Amsterdam on the 18th and as a next Hamburg on the 21st.
FM recorded with the Edirol R9, edited with Adobe Audition.
I split the intro's from the music for your convenience.
There are some fm 'noises' on the intro parts, the music is OK.
1 Intro
2 Wonderin'
3 Intro
4 Long May You Run
5 Intro
6 Flying On The Ground Is Wrong
7 Intro
8 I Am A Child
9 Intro
10 Don't Cry No Tears
11 Intro
12 Birds
No artwork
No mp3
No selling
Otto (Dutch Masters Collective)