Nine Inch Nails
Which Stage at Bonnaroo
Manchester, Tenn.
CA-11>STC-9000>Edirol R-09 @ 16/44.1
DFC FOB near the rail; mics about 7' high; about 70' from the stage
SD>HDD>Winzip>MegaUpload>HDD>Winzip>Sony Soundforge>CDWAVE>Flac Frontend (level 8 )
Taped by MSTaper Jr.>everything else by MSTaper
Set List:
01- Home
02- Terrible Lie
03- Discipline
04- March of the Pigs
05- Piggy
06- Metal (Gary Numan cover)
07- Reptile
08- The Becoming
09- I'm Afraid Of Americans (David Bowie cover)
10- Burn
11- Gave Up
12- La Mer
13- The Fragile
14- Banged And Blown Through (Saul Williams cover)
15- Non-Entity
16- Gone, Still
17- The Way Out Is Through
18- Mr. Self Destruct
19- Survivalism
20- ... band introductions
21-The Hand That Feeds
22. Head Like A Hole
23- Wish
24- ... encore break
25- Echoplex
26- The Good Soldier
27- Dead Souls (Joy Division cover)
28- The Day The World Went Away
29- Hurt
Running Time: 2:15:44
After getting shut down at the Springsteen show (once open; once stealth) MSTaper Jr. enjoyed the show and made it to the Which Stage for Nine Inch Nails! This is a nice pull, too!
I hope this is tracked correctly. Not being that intimately familiar with NIN, it was a chore. I apologize for any mistakes.
Again, this show was taped in Tennessee (obviously) and sent to Alabama through the miracle of modern technology where I can "whack, track and flac" it and offer it to the masses. I love technology!