Noelia - folklore from Salta Province, Argentina compilation of various live recordings between 2011.01.01 and 2011.04.12 fixed FLAC

16 track Fostex digital recorder/CDR/Adobe Audition>Flac 6

Thanks to the mods for approving the updated upload of this torrent .

These songs were recorded by the singer at various gigs earlier this year at folklore peņas around Salta in northern Argentina. She told us that she mixed each track down to stereo and cut out all the "basura" (rubbish) between songs. She wants as many people to listen to her as possible and is very happy for me to upload this on Dime!

I don't have any details of musicians, which I think she said differ on each track.

The situation regarding these recordings was as follows - as always happens at a Salta Folklore Pena, this singer passed the microphone around so members of the audience could sing a few lines of the song if they know the words, which my wife did - she is Anglo Argentine. In the interval she spoke to us at length and as a friendly gesture, gave us this CD of rough mixes of live performances in and around the Salta area in Argentina earlier this year. When asked, she had no idea when the songs were performed other than earlier in 2011 "during the summer". I have dated the recordings for the period in 2011 up to the day we were given the CD

I also asked Noelia if any of the tracks had either been released or if there was any likelyhood of them being released in the future, to which she replied no, because she would be required to record with better musicians.

Noelia does not have any website at present.

I have also deleted the tiny extraneous pk file which found it's way into the original torrent.

01 Anacleto y el viento
02 Zambita del musiquero
03 Anoranza
04 Carnavalito
05 Gato de las penas
06 Moto Mendez
07 Mi Chacerera
08 Pampa de los guanacos
09 Chacarera del patio
10 Tu como las flores