Norman Blake & Tony Rice
Troy Music Hall
Troy, NY
Source: DSM6m3 > D100
Transfer: MDAT > Fostex D-15 > Ardour @ 48k
Master: Wavelab 6.10 (tracking; levels; cleanup; 48k > 44.1k via Crystal Resampler) > FLAC
1. Intro
2. coming on stage Norman Blake & Tony Rice
3. Leavin' Home
4. Last Train From Poor Valley
5. Fiddler's Dram > Whiskey Before Breakfast
6. Whiskey Deaf and Whiskey Blind
7. Ginseng Sullivan
Norman Blake solo:
8. Savannah Rag
Tony Rice solo:
9. ? (Alton Delmore)
10. Going Back To The Blue Ridge Mountains
11. D-18 (Jerry Faires)
12. Cattle In The Cave
A beautiful recording with none of the boominess that sometimes comes from the Troy Savings Bank Music Hall.
This was part of an evening of bluegrass that included "John the Fireman" and Doc Watson playing with Jack Lawrence (immediately following this set). WXLE & Metroland sponsored the concert.
Levels on the master tape were quite low, except during the applause, which was loud, as you'd expect. Ozone 5 was used to maximize the levels without overloading the applause. Still, like many acoustic audience recordings, the crowd is louder than the musicians. Kudos to the taper, who sat silently for the full show, except for one cough, which he held in until the song ended (and which has been removed from the recording)
Track 1 is for historical purposes only. You may want to omit it if making a CD.
Thanks to Tom Reizes for the DAT.
--mhg :: 02/23/2013