Old And In The Way
Wilkes Community College
Wilkesboro, North Carolina
April 29, 2001
Master Audience Recorded By Mr. Baker!
Nakamichi CM701s > Sony PCM-M1 > Master Dat Recorded FOB
Transfer Information:Fostex D5 > Phillip's CDR 880 > EAC > Flac @ 16/44.1
Tracks Renamed With AudioGate Software
SBE's Checked/Fixed With Trader's Little Helper
Metadata Tagging With Tag&Rename By Keo
02.Pig In A Pen
03.Hard Hearted
04.The Great Pretender
05.Kissimee Kid
06.Midnight Moonlight
07.The New New Muleskinner Blues
08.Eating Out Of Your Hand
09.Wild Horses
10.Old And In The Way
12.In The Land Of The Navajo
13.High Lonesome Sound
Vassar Clements - Fiddle
David Grisman - Mandolin
Herb Pedersen - Banjo
Peter Rowan - Guitar
Bryn Bright - Bass
Comments:Another Huge Thanks out to Mr. Baker
for recording and sharing his source for this
show!There are afew areas with some louder
audience participation and some tracking/extraction
errors in "Midnight Moonlight" though very short.
Still all and all another excellent share from the
Baker collection of masters!!!!!!!!
AS ALWAYS ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: