Corte Sant'Anna, Italy
Ralph Towner - guitar, keyboards, synths
Mark Walker - drums, percussions, electronic drums
Glen Moore - bass
Paul McCandless - oboe, english horn, bass clarinet, tenor sax
source lineage- DIME share(s) of Rai RadioTre broadcast (details below)> EAC disc extraction> Audacity> TLH> DIME
1. If 7:08
2. Joyful Encounter 13:38
3. McCandless announcement and intros 1:42
4. An open door 8:03
5. Improvisation 2:50
6. Pepe Linque 6:53
7. McCandless speaks again 0:31
8. Distant Hills 7:04
This is being shared near to the 18th anniversary of this performance. It's been up here twice before. survivor69 shared a complete version of this RAI broadcast in 2009. That relates to the first lineage (1) copied from the DIME archive and pasted below. I didn't grab this show at the time. The 2nd share came from metro cubo in 2011, and their lineage is also copied below (2). This new share primarily comes from metro cubo's 2011 share, but combines both (as here explained).
I was planning to share metro cubo show as I transfer shows from disc to HD. I hadn't realized that version was incomplete with only a one minute fragment of the final track, Distant Hills. Apparently, a spouse was relied on to flip a tape, but that hadn't been done and part of the song was never captured. This is according to the notes found in that share in the dimebot archive. I contacted Dieter (Lauramareike) to see if he had the complete track, and it turned out that he did, and sent over his whole file set, but they were from the survivor69 share. That made it necessary to scrutinize both versions for the sake of their compatibility, and that led to a bit more work than I had intended in bringing this show back.
There had been some level of hiss in each share, but all sound levels in survivor69's were louder throughout the show, and that made the hiss and some static at the start of An Open Door more noisome than it was in metro cubo's version. survivor69's right channel was also a good bit louder than the left throughout the show, while metro cubo's channels were better balanced. Metro cubo's share ran very slightly sharp, which probably related in some way to the tape components. My sense, though, was that the metro cubo version from 2011 still was the better sounding share.
Tracks 1-7 in this new version come from metro cubo after a pitch/speed tool in Audacity was utilized to address the situation just mentioned. Retracking was done too to separate out the stage announcements and leave music to start each remaining track. Other EQ/Mastering tools in Audacity were mildly used to address the hiss throughout, and to help the levels from survivor69's Distant Hills to approximate levels from the metro cubo tracks. This kind of thing will always be subjective, but it now seems to yield a slightly better listening experience to the previous shares. Samples below will show what to expect.
This show came from the time of Oregon's Prime album, and it's probable that the broadcast left out some of the set. That said, the performance and recording is worth including in anyone's Oregon collection in which it may not already be included. Since it's now so many years since this show ran, it should be new to some people.
Many thanks to both survivor69 (ldb?) and metro cubo for their shares of this show. Finally, metro cubo had upped this in 2011 to honor DIME'r Rudolff at his passing. Rudolff had shared so many fine Oregon related shows here so we can remember him again now. He was a friend of Dieter's, who has now been instrumental in helping to put this new version together. The artwork that's included was prepared by Dieter, so many thanks of course to him for all of the audio and visual help he's provided.
lineage/source info from previous shares is copied and pasted below from the dimebot archive:
(1) Lineage (FM > CDRW > CDR > flac > web):
master: Sony ST-S370 tuner > Marantz CDR630 (professional stand-alone CDR recorder > CDRW master
transfer: CDRW master played on HHB CDR830 > fully digital tranfer via optical cable > Marantz CDR630 > my own clone on Hitachi Maxell CDR > extraction on HL GSA-T40N DVDRAM drive with EAC v0.99 prebeta 4 > 16bit flac (level 8) > dimeadozen.org
(2) Lineage: 13 February 2007> RAI Radio 3 broadcast > Sanyo FMT-3510L FM tuner > Aiwa cassette Deck AD-WX 828 > Tape > Audigy Soundblaster > HD >
SoundForge 7.0 > CD Wave > FLAC Frontend (level 6) LDB Master Series #81 - reseed ** RIP Rudolff
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: