Music for Pipe Organ, Complilation Vol.IV
Various artists
live at
Saint Mark's Cathedral
Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
Various dates in 2012 and 2013
recorded for "Pipedreams" weekly program No.1851
American Public Media production
broadcast on WCRB HD-FM Boston
August 11, 2013
"New Sounds from Saint Mark's; in solos and choral accompaniments, resident and guest artists showcase the 2012 Foley-Baker rebuild of the Welte-M�ller pipe organ
at the Episcopal Cathedral in Minneapolis."
124:46 minutes
Disc 1 69:16 minutes
101 radio intro 1:01
Jeremy Filsell, organ, recorded September 30, 2012:
102 J.S. Bach: Toccata in F-sharp minor, BWV910 10:38
103 radio outro 0:43
104 radio intro 1:58
Raymond Johnston, organ, recorded February 17, 2013:
105 Cesar Franck: ""Pastoral" 9:25
106 radio outro 0:50
Frederick Teardo, organ, and
the Choir of St. Thomas Church, New York City,
John Scott, director
recorded September 27, 2012:
107 James MacMillan: "A New Song" 6:34
108 radio outro 0:32
109 radio intro 0:26
Jeremy Filsell, organ, recorded September 30, 2012:
110 Leo Sowerby: "Carillon" 7:47
111 radio outro 0:27
Raymond Johnston, organ, recorded February 17, 2013:
112 Maurice Durufl�: "Sicilienne", from the Suite, Op.5 5:17
113 radio outro 0:25
Paul Emch, organ, recorded February 24, 1970:
114 Harry Rowe Shelley: "Fanfare" 4:45
115 radio intro 1:14
John Scott, organ, recorded April 19, 2013:
116 W. A. Mozart: Fantasy in F, K.608 10:14
117 radio outro 0:36
118 radio intro 0:28
Frederick Teardo, organ, and
the Choir of St. Thomas Church, New York City, John Scott, director
recorded September 27, 2012:
119 Hubert Parry: "I Was Glad" 5:26
120 radio outro 0:18
Disc 2 55:31 minutes
201 radio intro 0:49
John Scott, organ, recorded April 19, 2013:
202 Marcel Dupr�: "Variations on a No�l", Op.20 11:27
203 radio outro 0:24
204 radio intro 0:18
Frederick Teardo, organ, recorded September 27, 2012
205 Dan Locklair: "The Peace Shall Be Exchanged", from "Rubrics" 3:36
206 radio outro 0:13
Raymond Johnston, organ, recorded February 17, 2013:
207 J.S. Bach: Passacaglia and Fugue in c, BWV582 12:29
208 radio outro 0:56
extra tracks, rebroadcast on June 23, 2013
Pipedreams program No.1019, unreleased recordings,
original broadcast dates week of May 10, 2010
209 radio intro 0:36
Raymond Johnston, organ, recorded October 11, 2003
at Saint Mark's Cathedral
Minneapolis, Minnesota USA:
Peter Hurford: Suite, "Laudate Dominum" [1961]
210 I 2:01
211 II 1:19
212 III 1:59
213 IV 1:02
214 V 0:54
215 VI 3:04
216 radio outro 0:40
217 radio intro 0:53
Marie-Madeleine Durufl�-Chevalier, organ,
recorded May 26, 1996
Cathedral of St. Paul, Saint Paul, MN
Maurice Durufl�: "Prelude and Fugue on the Name Alain", Opus 7
218 Prelude 5:16
219 Fugue 6:39
220 radio outro 0:25
Raymond Johnston:
Frederick Teardo:
Paul Emch:
HD over FM broadcast;
HD-FM tuner>PC>stereo 16-bit 44.1 kbps WAV>tracked and edited in audio editor>WAVs>SBEs repaired, checksum files and FLAC-8 files created in Trader's Little Helper
A Zootype project June-August 2013
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: