The Other Ones
The Center
Boston, MA 11-18-2002
tapers section, right of center
AKG c422 large diaphram stereo mic (M-S) > AKG s42 controller >
Zaolla interconnect XLRs > Lunatec V3 (ANSR 16/44.1) > Midiman CO2 >
Creative Nomade Jukebox 3 recording .wav @ 16bit 44.1kHz
master .wav files tracked with CD-WAV and encoded with MKW-Act
seekable SHNz
mastered live by
disc 1:
01 tuning
02 cumberland
03 jam -> brown eyed women
04 jam -> fotd
05 jam ->
06 baba jingo
07 looks like rain
08 jam ->
09 loose lucy
disc 2:
01 hi susan
02 shakedown ->
03 alligator -> drums ->
04 caution ->
05 dark star tease ->
06 dancin ->
07 shakedown reprise ->
08 drums ->
disc 3:
01 space ->
02 hes gone ->
03 truckin ->
04 jack straw
05 crowd rap
06 (encore) golden road
recoded utilizing the mid-side setero technique. Mid was suplied via hyper-cardioid signal,
side was standard figure of 8. M-S matrixing handled by the V3 allowing for on-the-fly
adjustment of stereo width or forward signal strengh (evident in the first set as I was trying
to cut through the horrendous echo in the Fleet Center).