Otis Rush
Columbus Ohio

Source: Digital FOB > DAT

Conversion : DAT @ 48k -> HT OMega 7.1 Soundcard (Optical Inputs)>WAV (48)> Syntillium Cool Edit Downsample to 44.1 WAV>CD WAV (Track Split)>FLAC


- Very well recorded FOB with some intense bass rumbling (which was reduced using Syntillium Cool Edit 2.0)

d101 - Blank/Dummy Track
d102 - Intro
d103 - ????
d104 - ????
d105 - ????
d106 - ????
d107 - All Your Love
d108 - Instrumental
d109 - Instrumental
d110 - You Know I Love You (????)
d111 - I Lay Awake at Night
d112 -
d113 -