Ozric Tentacles
The Limelight
New York, NY
19 April 1994
Master soundboard recording taped by Marc DeCarlo
01 Og-Ha-Be
02 O-I
03 Erpland
04 White Rhino Tea
05 Vita Voom >
06 Jurassic Shift
07 Snakepit
01 Dissolution (The Clouds Disperse)
02 The Throbbe
03 Space Between Your Ears
04 Kick Muck
05 E: Ayurvedic
Ed Wynne - guitar & keyboards
John Egan - flute & vocals
Zia Geelani - bass
Merv Pepler - drums
Joie Hinton - keyboards
Haggis - mixing board
The tape flip during Snakepit is patched with an alternate
soundboard recording from the same show.
Sony WM-D6 Tape Recorder
Maxell XLII-S cassettes
Mastered and FLAC'ed by Carl Morstadt (dantalion8@yahoo.com)
Master Cassette ->
Nakamichi CR-3A cassette deck with azimuth correction ->
M-Audio Firewire Audiophile 2496 ->
CDWAV 24-bit/96-KHz wav files ->
Goldwave (normalizing and crossfades) ->
CDWAV (track breaks) ->
dBpowerAMP Audio Converter (24-bit/96-KHz wav files converted to
16-bit/44.1 KHz wav files) ->
FLAC Front End (FLAC 8 with sector boundary alignment)
FLAC files tagged with Foobar2000 Live Show Tagger
No EQ'ing.
A 24-bit/96-KHz flac24 version of this recording is also available.