Enmore Theatre
Sydney, NSW

Taper : clogboy2005
Equipment : D100 & ATM shotgun mic
Type : Audience
Generation : masterclone

Lineage; D100 DAT & ATM shotgun mic � DAT stand alone � Yamaha stand alone cdr burner � FLAC �you


01. Oh, My Lover
02. Good Fortune
03. Dress
04. 50ft Queenie
05. The Dancer
06. Joe
07. Water
08. Big Exit
09. Who The Fuck
10. Angeline
11. Sweeter Than Anything
12. Man-Size
13. Me Jane
14. The Whore's Hustler
15. To Bring You My Love
16. Desperate Kingdom Of Love
17. A Place Called Home
18. Missed
19. I Think I Am A Mother
20. Water (Again)
21. Rid Of Me
22. Shame
23. Snake
24. Ecstacy

Total Running Time : 01:39:54
Size (FLAC) : 571,12 MB

PJ�s first tour after the acclaimed �Stories From� tour. The band was stripped back to a 3 piece formation.
Polly was playing the Big Day Out festival tour and added a number of side shows to make it a complete
Australasian tour. PJ played 2 nights at the Enmore, both taped by me.
The concert presented here has the best sound quality out of the two and also had a longer set list than the
other night. Not much I remember of this gig after all these years. She trials a number of new songs this night.
This is the first time ever that I present the tape in its full, uncut glory. Back then, I circulated a number of copies
of this show but NONE were ever complete. I kept the full version back to negotiate rare PJ Harvey recordings back then.
Don�t remember whether I got those or not. But I can guarantee you that this 2014 release is the first time ever I
converted the entire show. Enjoy.

2014 is a year of celebrations for me. 25 Years of taping concerts and the 10th anniversary of migrating to Australia.
I taped around 550 concerts, though the vast majority of these shows were taped between 1990 and 2003.
I have made a selection out of my collection to share with Dimers. I want you to enjoy the recording. No rules, no restrictions.
Do what you want to do with it, convert, remaster, repost. It is up to you (however, credit for the tape would be appreciated..)
