Pat Benatar
Hollywood, Florida
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino
April 21, 2013
Source: Schoeps MK5 cards - Nbob Actives - Naiant Tinybox Transfo Out - Sony M10 (24-48)
Transfer: Micro SD card > wav file > coolEdit > Normalize-Downsample > CD Wave Cut > TLH > FLAC level 8 & Align on SB
Recording Location: 3rd Row in front of Neil Giraldo
Recorded by: Datfly
Edited out a few extremely loud handclaps and a super fan super whistler in a few various
spots. No music lost.
01. All Fired Up
02. Invincible
03. So Sincere
04. Sex as a Weapon
05. Promises in the Dark
06. We Belong
07. Hell is for Children
08. You Better Run
09. Hit Me With Your Best Shot
10. Love is a Battlefield
11. Everybody Lay Down
12. Let's Stay Together
13. Heartbreaker
April 22 2013
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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