Pat Metheny- electric 6 and 12 string guitar
Miroslav Vitous- acoustic bass
Roy Haynes- drums
Ryles Jazz Club
Cambridge, Mass.
March 14, 1984
(2 sets)
runtime: 124:45
lineage: Realistic twinhead stereo mike >
Sony D-6 cassette deck (dolby off) >
Maxell XLII master cassettes >
my copy (same, unknown transferring decks, a clean transfer) >
played into soundforge with Realtek soundcard >
FLAC 6 > torrentially yours.
setlist unknown: (the usually very reliable Dime setlist Patrol
will hopefully fix that soon after posting this)
1st set
1: tuning :51
2: 13:02
3: 20:01
4: (spliced, tape flip) 27:23
2nd set
5: 16:28
6: 13:27
7: 9:40
8: 23:51
I recieved this soon after the show, and got a copy from a
master made with my Sony D-6 cassette deck and Realistic
twinhead mike (I think the taper was Mike in Boston area
but not sure any more, I think it was him because he's a
bassplayer and went to see Miroslav, as many good bassists
will do from time to time). sorry no setlist, I ought to know
some of these songs by title, but I don't. It's yet another
fine trio I haven't heard much of, other than this show.
the recording came out well and there's not alot of crowd
noise. Ryles is a very nice place with good vibes and good
sound, no wonder Metheny likes to play it despite being
alot smaller than a Pat Metheny sized place.
for those not familiar, Roy Haynes is from the Boston area
and an excellent jazz drummer (real jazz, not cheese jazz),
Miroslav Vitous has been a favorite for years and one of
the few bassists I've seen who likes to use a bow and an
acoustic (stand-up) bass. those things are very difficult
to play well, it took years for Vitous to learn how (it's
like playing a REALLY big violin) and he is one of the
best in the world at that rather uncommon talent. (Stanley
Clarke is also very good at it, but he usually doesn't use
a bow). This is not as uncommon Pat as some from this club,
but still off the beaten path Pat, which seems to be my
favorite kind. digitized and remastered in February and
March of 2009, and 1st posted from this 1st gen. tape on
its 25th anniversary (March 14, 2009) by glasnostrd19.
do not sell this recording.
Share freely, losslessly and gaplessly.