Pat Metheny Group
Universal Amphitheatre
Universal City, CA. (Los Angeles)
Last 11 songs..
Source: Audience
Deck: Sony D-5M
Mics: Sennheiser MKE 2002 Binaural Microphone headset
Sound Quality: (A) EX
Source: Original Master Cassette (Maxell XLIIs 90s)
Transfer: PB Pioneer CT-F1000>ASUS Xonar DG Sound Card>Audacity 2.0 @96k/24bit>Export to 48k/24bit Flac8>TLH SBEs Fixed>You
First 6 songs contributed thanks to The Pat Metheny Database
Thank you to the original taper
Sound Quality: (B) VG
Possibly an Awai deck with internal mics.
A bit of wow and flutter
Disc one:
d101.Forward March
d102. Phase Dance
d103. Naked Moon
d104. Tell It All
d105. James
d106. First Circle
d107. Scrap Metal
d108. Farmer's Trust
d109. Goodbye
Disc two:
d210. Straight On Red
d211. Are You Going With Me?
d212. The Fields, The Sky
d213. KC Blues (More Kansas City)
d214. Yolanda, You Learn
d215. San Lorenzo
d216. Praise
d217. American Garage
Going though a box of unmarked tapes I found this. Sad it never got marked, and this has all the signs of being the master, blank at the begining and end of side B from a quick flip, encores on a 2nd tape.
This version may not have ever seen the light of day.
I got to Universal Amptheater late, and other than I know I went, and I hear my voice on the tape, I have little memory of taping this show (could explain why I was late).
The high quality part of the recording is 95:00 long.
The audience was so quiet though most of the show you forget this is an audience tape at times.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: