Pat Metheny
With Romero Lubambo
Disney Hall, Los Angeles, CA, USA
April 19, 2010
Taper: Scooter123
Audience Tape; A
Lineage: Schoeps mk4 > Nbox > Edirol > Goldwave > Media Monkey >
Goody's additional lineage:
dBpoweramp (WAV) > Audition (Hard Limiting to -.01dB: Tracking) >
TLH (FLAC Level 8; Align sector boundaries; .ffp) > foobar2000 (metadata tags)
Scooter123's original notes:
This is an unusual Pat Metheny concert in three ways. First, this is the Orchestrion
Tour, where Pat plays about 100 instruments, and his guitar, at the same time. The
whole scene is quite bizzare with all this robotic controls, which reminded me of
JF Sebastian in the "Blade Runner," the quiet genius who invented all the robots,
also set in a futuristic Los Angeles. The concert is also unusual because, for the
first (and only) time, a guest star is featured in the Orchestrion Tour. This is
Romero Lubambo, a flamenco guitarist. So when Pat and Romero start jamming
(nothing was rehearsed) with the robots, it sorta sounds like Gypsy Kings on acid.
Finally, this is a 2 hour 19 minute concert without a break. If he did another
encore, I was going to piss my pants.
This tape is clean--no processing--no volume boost, no compression, no EQ, no highpass
no nothing, just pure unadulterated sound.
I am not a Pat Metheny fan. I don't know a single song or track, and didn't take
the time to research them. Sorry, but my care-o-meter on this is pretty low.
The seats I had were awesome, 4th row DFC, so the sound on this is pretty awesome,
and the Disney Hall sound system and accoustic design is legendary. So much so that
Pat comments that he jumped at the chance to play there, and it is, in his opinion,
the best music hall in the world. Now that's saying something.
So enjoy, and you Pat Metheny fans, fill in the track list for the others. I think there
are 16 tracks, but its sorta hard to tell, except by the applause.
Goody adds:
By now, for this updated seed, we've identified the tracks; (At least, I think it's all there now.)
As you can see, thanks to Scooter123's scary-good recording, all I really had to do was
update the tracking and make sure some of those slightly hot levels were tamed. That is all.
Our enormous thanks are due to his endless generosity. This self-professed human mic stand
goes out to capture a show he wasn't very interested in to begin with, cops an expensive seat
in the 4th row center, secretly turns on his expensive, world-class recording gear and shuts up
relatively motionless for two hours - WITHOUT the benefit of "Depends";
(...just in case, I might add. Hey, HE sorta brought it up!)
I was there, too. In the very tippy-top last row center. Sportin' a shit-eatin' grin the whole time.
And in this acoustically brilliant and esthetically magnificent hall, even up in the gods, as they say,
it sounded almost exactly as amazing as this recording does. I just had to break out the binocs if
I wanted to see some detail - (Oh, you know I did!) - like, what was goin' on with all those solenoids
and flashing tubes, and how he even got a freakin' accordion to work from his guitar.
And a grand piano.
And a few dozen mallets on those marimbas, xylophones, etc.
I can't even prove that he didn't have some control over his good friend Se�or Lubambo's flashy
fretwork, either; except I believe I did see Romero's own brand of genius with my own eyes...
Additional thanks must be extended, as always, to our resident artist, ethiessen, for updated artwork
reflecting new track times and titles, etcetera and so forth. He tells me it's easy. Whatever...
And to whomever took the photos that grace this set - I know this physical structure is a thing of beauty,
and I marvel whenever I visit it, but it's even more stunning in the hands of a brilliant photographer.
So thanks, mr. anonymous!
Since this tour, we've been fortunate to enjoy Pat's further explorations of the technology that went
into, and has come out of, this first Orchestrion project; both in a much smaller format during his duet
tour with Larry Grenadier using a sub-set of this enormous beast, and then again with his trio when
Bill Stewart was added, as well as on his most recent Unity Band tour, in support of their first very
satisfying and quite excellent CD. I'm so glad he continues incorporating this wonderful element
into his ongoing musical projects, confidently blending it all together seamlessly.
Can't wait for more (which, no doubt, will come about, if we know our Pat!)
Oh, did I bother to even thank the man himself, Mr. Metheny? Pat, to his friends?? Probably even
to total strangers - he's just that nice of a cat. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
Disc 1
01) Intro 00:40
02) Unrequited 06:25
03) Make Peace 08:35
04) The Sound of Water 05:40
05) Blues Improvisation > Unity Village 07:34
06) Expansion 08:53
07) Spirit of the Air 08:47
08) Entry Point 10:37
09) Orchestrion 16:35
10) Pat Speaks 03:19
Disc 2
11) Soul Search 09:48
12) Pat Introduces Romero 02:04
13) Insensatez (How Insensitive) 09:42
14) Solar > Pat Speaks 08:58
15) Orchestrion Improvisation on Ornette Coleman Tunes: Round Trip / Broadway Blues 05:35
16) Antonia > Pat Speaks 07:39
17) Orchestrion Looping Improvisation 12:28
18) Stranger in Town 05:50
TT: 2:19
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: