Patterson Hood
Asheville Music Hall
Asheville, NC
source: SBD + Microtech Gefell M21 (dina) > Nbob actives > Naiant PFA > Sound Devices MixPre-6 II @ 32/48
location: directly in front of sbd roc, stand @ 8'
transfer: USB > PC > iZotope RX 10 (gain, edits) > Wavelab 6.1 (matrix, fades, MBIT+ dither) > CD Wave > TLH (flac 8) > Foobar (tags)
*24bit/48khz fileset*
recorded and transferred by Gordon Wilson
A Team Dirty South Recording
01. Intro
02. Forks of Cypress
03. Grand Canyon
04. Lookout Mountain
05. Uncle Disney
06. Banter
07. Pinocchio
08. Murdering Oscar
09. Heathens
10. Banter
11. Pauline Hawkins
12. Sink Hole
13. My Sweet Annette
14. Banter
15. Why Henry Drinks
16. Banter
17. Miss Coldirons Oldsmobile
18. Banter
19. A Werewolf and a Girl
20. Two Daughters and a Beautiful Wife
21. The Righteous Path
22. Shake and Pine
23. Bulldozers and Dirt
24. Banter
25. Granddaddy
26. Banter
27. The Opening Act
28. Banter
29. Back of a Bible
30. 867-5309/Jenny
31. Tornadoes
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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