Patti Smith
The Roxy
Los Angeles, CA
15 November 1976
Jon Wizardo Master

Lineage: Jon Wizardo Master Cassette Tape> Nakamichi Dragon> HHB CDR > CD WAV

"Jon Wizardo has given me all of the cassette tapes he recorded back in his bootleg days. Some were released, or partially released, on vinyl bootlegs, others remain unreleased.
...Some of these transfers will simply represent each side of each cassette as transferred by a friend of mine..... They are all historic recordings and I hope you enjoy them."

"An Evening of Poetry Reading"

01 Pissing in a River
02 Annie Had a Baby
03 talk
04 Picture Hanging Blues
05 Rock n Roll N
06 talk and improvisation
07 talk - Babelogue - Gibralto
08 What Makes Ruda Ivory - Jam
09 Free Money - Sonnet

Thanks to lilpanda for the help in regards to the setlist.
Thanks to Andrew for his help in regards to the order of the setlist, as some songs were out of order.