Patti Smith
June 5, 2001
Village Underground, New York City, USA
This torrent is identical to the previous posting except for the fingerprint and info.txt and .md5 checksum files.
(When I checked the torrent's integrity, I found the old .torrent file and the .md5 checksum still Verified, but the fingerprint file didn't match d1t1, so I created new fingerprint and info.txt and .md5 files.)
If you have a recording of this show, this might be an upgrade; there's an inferior-sounding alternate source; and some copies of this superior-sounding source in circulation are the wrong speed (details below in "technical note"); this torrent includes 2 patches from the inferior-sounding alternate source (see "patches" below).
SQ: Excellent, I rate it "A". Previous postings of this recording received 249 Snatches.
Lineage: Digital audience recording of otherwise unknown lineage I got by mail, CDR>EAC>Sound Forge>FLAC(level 8)
Artwork included; many thanks to G. The Cock for reworking the original artwork, I love it! He created two versions, one for slimline(2CD) jewelcases, and another for double-size (6CD) cases.
Disc One 68:15
01 Waiting Underground 5:51
02 Spell 6:29
03 The Lamb reading 1:22
04 Boy Cried Wolf 6:05
05 Gloria 6:49
06 Redondo Beach 5:20
07 Dead City 5:24
08 Lo And Beholden 7:39
09 Dancing Barefoot 8:10
10 I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry 3:17
11 Beneath The Southern Cross 6:24
12 Ghost Dance 5:20
Disc Two 63:59
01 Dark Eyes 6:54
02 Summer Cannibals 6:10
03 In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida 2:43
04 Be My Baby 5:48
05 Radio Ethiopia > 7:25
06 Rock And Roll Nigger 18:37
07 Piss Factory 7:27
08 Hey Joe 8:52
Total: 132:14
Size: 815MB
first 10.927 seconds of d1t1 are a patch from an inferior-sounding alternate source
d2t7 (Piss Factory) is a patch from an inferior-sounding alternate source
*Technical note*
When I first got recordings of this 3-night (6/5/01, 6/6/01, 6/7/01) run, they were the best-sounding Patti recordings I had, but there was diginoise (some 6/5/01, lots the other nights). They pale in comparison to this alternate, superior source for the 3-night run. Actually I got 2 sets of this superior source, which was fortunate because the speeds of the 2 sets differ. One set is the correct speed (exactly matching the speed of the first, inferior-sounding recordings I got), the other set is the wrong speed, faster by:
0.13% for 6/5/01, 10.13 seconds for the show
0.02% for 6/6/01, 1.6 seconds for the show
0.04% for 6/7/01, 2.98 seconds for the show
This fast set of discs is 4th generation from originals, so who knows how many such wrong speed copies there are in circulation; incidentally, the channels (left/right) are switched on the 'fast' set.
Absolutely no selling! Please share freely. Please only convert to mp3 for your own use.
coyote 15 April 2009
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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