Patti Smith
January 27, 2010
City Arts & Lectures, Herbst Theatre, San Francisco, California, USA
This torrent is identical to the original posting, except I substituted the corrected version of the back artwork which I posted in a Comment on the last torrent (on the version I included inside the previous torrent, on the right side-flap [the one that faces out when shelved] the text is white and thus had very little contrast and readability), and so I have changed the info.txt file and the .md5 checksum.
Two songs. One song reading. Plus readings from, and conversation with journalist Kevin Berger about, her memoir "Just Kids"*
SQ: The sound quality is excellent, I rate it "A"
FMS(KQED 88.5 broadcast)>Yamaha TX-497 tuner>Tascam CD-RW700 standalone burner>CDR>EAC(Secure)>Cool Edit Pro 2.1(tracking & quarter-second fades at beginning and end)>FLAC(level 8)
taped by coyote 28 March 2010
Artwork included, by coyote
01 talk 11:07
02 talk 10:59
03 talk 11:11
04 People Have the Power reading** 14:42
05 Beneath The Southern Cross 4:08
06 My Blakean Year 2:29
Time: 54:36.08
Total: 289MB
** dedicated to Howard Zinn, who died the day before
The only reason I separated the first 3 tracks, was because fastforwarding through a 33-minute track to find a spot would take too long.
Share freely, Never Buy or Sell, and please support the artist!
coyote 8 November 2010
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: