# Patti Smith_2011-05-31_Mousonturm, Ffm_48khz.txt -- 02.06.2011 19:37:43 -- Mp3tag v2.47a
Artist: Patti Smith
Title: This Is Rock'n'Roll, We're Not At The Opera
Location: K�nstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Date: May 31, 2011
Lineage: Soundman OKM II Professional (in-ear, balcony, 2 mtrs LOC) >A3 Adaptor
>Sony TCD-D8 (recording, 48 kHz/16 bit) >Master DAT (Maxell DM120)
>Sony DTC-60ES (playback) >SPDIF (coax) >Edirol R-04 (digital transfer
to wav, 48 kHz/16 bit) >wav (48 kHz) >USB >PC HDD >wav (48 kHz)
>WaveRepair v4.9.3 (dropout fixing in t01, fade-in/-out, tracking)
>wav (48 kHz) >flac (48 kHz, no DAE)
Audio Files: 18
Total Time: 01:41:30
Total Size: 566.31 MB
Codec: Free Lossless Audio Codec
01 [01:52] [audience noise/welcome]
02 [05:30] Grateful
03 [05:06] Redondo Beach
04 [10:03] Birdland
05 [06:37] Ghost Dance
06 [04:06] Pushin' Too Hard
07 [08:04] Dancing Barefoot
08 [02:02] [my blakean year intro: rough condition in frankfurt] >
09 [06:10] My Blakean Year
10 [09:10] Beneath The Southern Cross
11 [06:00] Helpless
12 [04:35] People Who Died
13 [02:07] [band intro]
14 [05:57] Because The Night Night
15 [05:53] People Have The Power
16 [09:18] Gloria
17 [02:26] [audience noise for encore]
18 [06:34] Rock'n'Roll Nigger
Running Time: [01:41:30]
Thank you very much to all involved making this recording happen. You know who you are.
The show was taped using in-ear mics. For a full concert experience
listen to it with headphones.
The flac files come in 48 kHz sampling rate (as taped). You need to downsample them
to 44.1 kHz first in case you want to burn them to audio CD. U:S:E recommends burning
t01 - t09 to disc 1, t10 - t18 to disc 2.
Known Problems:
There have been two heavy distortions/dropouts in the right channel during the first
minute of track 01 (cause/origin unknown, maybe tape defetcs), which have been fixed
by mixing 100% of the left channel with 30% of the old right channel to the new right
channel. If you listen to track 01 closely (especially with headphones), you will
recognize the defective parts, otherwise not.
! This recording is brought to you freely by !
! U:S:E -- Usual Suspects of Europe !
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
PattiSmith2011-05-31MousonturmFrankfurtAmMainGermany (3).jpg
PattiSmith2011-05-31MousonturmFrankfurtAmMainGermany (4).jpg
PattiSmith2011-05-31MousonturmFrankfurtAmMainGermany (5).jpg
PattiSmith2011-05-31MousonturmFrankfurtAmMainGermany (6).jpg
PattiSmith2011-05-31MousonturmFrankfurtAmMainGermany (7).jpg
PattiSmith2011-05-31MousonturmFrankfurtAmMainGermany (8).jpg
PattiSmith2011-05-31MousonturmFrankfurtAmMainGermany (9).jpg