Patti Smith
Paris, France

lineage: Olympus LS10 Recorder (internal mics) >16 bit 44.1 kHz >audacy >xAct >flac

01- Intro
02- Dancing Barefoot
03- Redondo Beach
04- Free Money
05- Improvisation on French Tour ->My Blakean Year*
06- Ghost Dance*
07- It’s a Dream*
08- Cash
09- New Song+(Closed eyes) dedicated to Loulou La Falaise
10- Beneath the Southern Cross
11- Night Time/Nothin’ Yet/Born to Lose/Pushin’ Too Hard (Lenny had some technical problems at the start)
12- Because the Night
13- Pissing in a River
14- Peaceable Kingdom->People Have the Power (spoken)
15- Gloria
16- People Have the Power *+-> Rock n Roll Nigger

Patti Smith with Lenny Kaye, Tony Shanahan, Jack Petruzzelli and Jay Dee Daugherty

Special guests: * Patrick Wolf and + Zaza Fournier

One evening full with enthusiasm.
Many young people sang around me,
if that is not too good for the record,
that gave pleasure to Patti and her band I think.
I cut the fifteen minutes of applause and recalls at the end,
a thing which does not happen frequently at this place;
people did not want to leave, they occupied the place.