Paul McCartney and Wings
From Nashville to the Backyard
July-August 1974
After finishing the Atlanta show I found on the flip side of cassette two a copy of "Scene at The Backyard" from 1974 so I decided to take a little side trip. If you are not familiar with that recording, I will explain in further detail as we go. Well, that side trip turned out to be more of a slippery slope than anticipated. In the process Windows rolled out an update and my soundcard would no longer behave itself, so a new SC became the order of the day. Then the Backyard tape demanded a few more side trips as I had other related bits and pieces that should be packed for the journey. Those bits needed some sorting to put everything right. In the end I recreated two EMI Acetates with a few extra fun tracks.
"Scene at the Backyard" was part of the ‘Sound of One Hand Clapping’ film and I had several other cassette recordings that fell into that category. 1-"Sound of One Hand Clapping Soundtrack", 2-"Nashville Rehearsals for One Hand Clapping” AKA “Nashville Outtakes" and 3-"Nashville Outtakes-3 Songs from Master Tape". And of course #4 the Scene at the Backyard. These are the titles used to identify the recordings in trade circles, these are not the names of bootlegs. You can connect the dots somewhat from the titles but unfortunately that would not be an accurate assumption. Keep in mind these circulated some 30plus years ago, not the more recent CD offering.
Let's start with a few details of the recording sources. #1: While my copy is on tape the recording is obviously sourced from a disc as you can hear audible pops. It's not a soundtrack pulled from the video as the songs are more complete and are not lossy, as a video rip would be. Plus, some of the songs are different then the film score. #2 Is not what the title implies, except for two tracks it is not from Nashville. As long as I've been aware of it it's been labeled from Nashville because Paul makes a comment about Sgt. Joseph Cotton and the stay in Nashville during ‘Little Woman Love’. Most of the tracks are the same as #1 in a different running order with a few bonus tracks. #3: As the title suggests is a 1st gen copy taken from the master tape. It is indeed from Nashville and doesn't really belong with the rest, or does it. #4 is taken from an EMI Acetate.
Before I go further, I'm going to repeat something I said a few posts back. Sometime traders would hold back part of a recording in their collection so they would be the only one to have the complete recording. Keep that in mind as we continue.
A-Nashville Sessions: Soundshop Recording Studios Nashville, TN July 1974
Going to start with the Nashville Outtakes tape as this took place a month before One Hand. The tape I have consists of three songs, "Junior's Farm", "Bridge over River Suite" and "Sally G" all in excellent quality. We should all know that these songs as well as "Send Me the Heart", "Wild Prairie" and "Walking in The Park with Eloise" were recorded in Nashville. More from these sessions has surfaced in recent years. “The Nashville Rehearsals” tape #2 contained a different version of "Sally G", probably an earlier mix, plus "Walking in the Park with Eloise". They are not from ‘One Hand’ so they were reunited here. The differences are only slight between these tracks and the released versions so listen carefully.
Lineage:EMI Master Reel> Maxell XLII-90 acquired in trade> NAK BX-125> Soundblaster Audigy FX V2> Adobe Audition> WAV> Flacfrontend> Flac 6> YOU
01 Junior's Farm
02 Bridge Over River Suite
03 Sally G (1)
04 Sally G (2)
05 Walking in The Park with Eloise
That was the easy part, the next gets more complicated.
B-Sound of One Hand Clapping Sessions EMI Studio Two London England August 1974
Tape #1 One Hand Soundtrack and Tape #2 Nashville Rehearsals took a bit more unraveling. They both contained a lot of the same songs but in a different running order. Each contain some tracks the other didn't. We already determined two tracks from #2 belonged with the Nashville Outtakes so they were easily eliminated. Tape #1 was closer to the source recording and some of the tracks were longer than #2. So, it was quickly decided that #1 would be the primary source. Recording #1 contained ticks and pops so I initially thought it was from a bootleg LP, but I could not find a boot with a similar track listing. Keep in mind we are looking at boots from 30 years ago or older. I already suspected the track order was changed, we can confirm this as some tracks flowed together, whereas others had clear cuts between tracks.
Looking at the way the tracks flowed I finally decided this was taken from the EMI acetate (hxxps:// and I used that as a guide to reconstruct this collection. The first five tracks all flow smoothly together and match the 1st acetate disc exactly. Then it goes astray but the tracks that clearly flow together match in order to the acetate. Unfortunately, my tape is incomplete as it only has one version of Junior's Farm and doesn't have Blue Moon of Kentucky. Oddly enough, "The Scene at The Backyard" tape, (you remember that one as it started this mad trip,) does have Blue Moon and the source I know is an acetate. Tape #1 also has a short recording of "Wild Life" that is not mentioned on the acetate, but as it's a snippet it might have been overlooked or simply not notated. Other releases of One Hand Clapping tracks we find it slotted in as a medley with Hi-Hi-Hi, so I moved it there and it does fit. The best copy of the missing Junior's Farm I could find came from the "One Hand Clapping" CD from The Home Entertainment Network HEN 062-1/2. This unfortunately was clipped but it still sounded the best, some adjustments and it filled out the set to complete the EMI acetate as originally pressed. If you look at the presentation of the acetate sides 1-3 have the tracks written out on the sleeves, while side 4 the tracks are written on the disc. I believe side 4 is just alternate possibilities as all the songs are alternate versions of songs already included on sides 1-3. They also could have fit at least two more songs on that disc if they wanted to.
Lineage:EMI Acetate> Maxell XLII-90 acquired in trade> NAK BX-125> Soundblaster Audigy FX V2> Adobe Audition> WAV> Flacfrontend> Flac 6> YOU
01 One Hand Clapping
02 Jet (1)
03 Soily (1)
04 Little Woman Love/C-Moon
05 Let Me Roll It,
06 Junior's Farm (take 16)
07 Wild Life /Hi-Hi-Hi
08 Go Now
09 Maybe I'm Amazed (novel opening)
10 Bluebird
11 Blue Moon of Kentucky
12 My Love
13 Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five
14 Live and Let Die
15 Band on The Run (take 6) (Hands on the Buns)
16 Junior's Farm (2)
17 Jet (2)
18 Soily (2) (take 7)
C-Scene at The Backyard EMI Studio London England August 1974
Finally, we arrive at the Scene at the Backyard which is what started all this. My cassette is pulled from the EMI Acetate and once again has had a track withheld, Blackbird (takes 1-3) but otherwise complete. You can find more info on the acetate here: (hxxps://
To fill in this blank I pulled the missing track from Yellow Cats Backyard+ which is often considered the definitive copy of this material, although all copies I have of this release are loosy. I don't have the silvers so maybe there is hope for a lossless copy out there. On the end of my cassette tape is "Blue Moon of Kentucky" which as we discussed was loaned to the One Hand Clapping session above. So, add one track and remove another and we have the complete EMI Acetate. One thing I noticed is a snippet that has been overlooked for years and never listed in the tracks. Track number 8, let me know what you think.
Lineage:EMI Acetate> Maxell XLII-90 acquired in trade> NAK BX-125> Soundblaster Audigy FX V2> Adobe Audition> WAV> Flacfrontend> Flac 6> YOU
01 Blackbird (takes 1-3)
02 Blackpool
03 Blackbird (take 4)
04 Country Dreamer
05 Twenty Flight Rock
06 Peggy Sue
07 I'm Gonna Love You Too
08 Great Day
09 Sweet Little Sixteen
10 Loving You
11 We're Gonna Move
Final notes: The Nashville Tracks and The One Hand Clapping sessions have always been lumped together even though they truly don’t belong together. Yes, there are some common tracks between the two but they were different projects with different goals. I thought about turning this into two posts but as the track were so intertwined for so long, I left them together. Plus, it would have made for one large post and one teeny tiny one.
I ripped the cassettes all at 32/96 which I later dropped down to 24/96. I don't believe there is any real benefit to the ears to rip cassettes at that rate, but it helps to work the files in that range. As some people prefer, I am posting this in both 24/96 and for the general listening public 16/44. The two tracks that were pulled from other releases were at 16/44 although the Yellow Cat track clearly dropped off early and is not true lossless even though it was presented in flac as such.
Ripped by AtlasStar 2-2023
Please share freely, do not convert to lossy except for personal use. Please trade with the original files after allowing me sufficient time to post on my favorite sites.
This is part of the AtlasStar Attic Treasures Series. List of titles included with this torrent. My attic consists of thousands of cassettes collected since the 70's. I will post them in no particular order as I pull them out of the attic and convert to digital. Some of these artists I know well and collect myself, other I know little about just picked up along the way. I will provide as much info as I can but if anyone can add any insight to the recordings it would be appreciated. If the same recording is circulating in better quality, please let me know as I have no intention of polluting the trading pool. A list of all recordings in this series is included with the torrent.
All recordings are kept as original as possible with minimal processing. Unless noted otherwise the only adjustments made are Automatic Phase Correction, Level adjustments and cleaning of any rough or abrupt cuts.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
PaulMcCartneyAndWings1974-06NashvilleToTheBackyard (8).jpg
PaulMcCartneyAndWings1974-06NashvilleToTheBackyard (9).jpg