This is the fifth show of the tour and tape five in the series. Sorry, don't have show number four. This is the nicest recording of this series so far. This is a second generation copy and is very listenable. The first four minutes are a bit muffled but then the recording clears up nicely. The taper also appears to have been adjusting the levels at this point as the volume fluctuates. I adjusted this bit too level things out. There are also some changes in quality towards the end of the show during Medicine Jar. It sounds as if the taper started to leave and then realized there was an encore and never got himself positioned the same again. There is also a jump in the middle of Bluebird, this is on the original tape, most probably a flip that was patched in a cassette transfer.
If you pay attention you will hear Paul address the crowd as Birmingham and then a while later Denny refers to them as Glasgow. Someone in the crowd shouts out "it's not Glasgow". I compared this to my Glasgow show to be sure and it looks like Denny was a bit confused. You will also notice the set changes a bit on this night.
I have changed my transfer method a bit with this post; I hope the results are satisfactory. Rather then relying on a DAW to do the level adjusting and mono capture I tackled it on the analogue end. Some of you may frown upon this but then that's just too bad :). I pumped this thru my deck into an amp in stereo. And then had the amps output set on mono. Sending mono on two channels to my soundcard and captured with Audition set on stereo allowed for a much fuller sound. As opposed to sending it to the soundcard in stereo and having Audition capture in mono. And with the addition of the amp I can push the audio into the soundcard at a much higher level. Which works much better then trying to boost the level with the software. Even my NAK deck with its adjustable output levels can't bring the sound level up enough on its own.
I will at some point revisit the Cardiff post but as yet I have not found a means to substantially improve that recording. I will post more info about that on the original Cardiff thread.
Paul McCartney and Wings
Hippodrome Birmingham England 9-13-1975
Lineage>Audience Recording aquired in Cassette Trade>TDK SA90>NAK BX-125>Lafayette LR-3030>M-Audio 24/96>Adobe Audition>Wav>Flackfrontend>Flac6>YOU
Disc One
01-Venus and Mars/Rock Show
03-Let Me Roll It
04-Spirits of Ancient Egypt
05-Little Woman Love-C Moon
06-Maybe I�m Amazed
07-Lady Madonna
08-The Long And Winding Road
09-Live and Let Die
10-Picasso's Last Words
11-Richard Cory
13-I�ve Just Seen A Face
Disc Two
01-You Gave Me The Answer
02-Magneto and Titanium Man
03-Go Now
04-Call Me Back Again
05-My Love
06-Listen To What The Man Said
07-Letting Go(ends abruptly)
08-Junior�s Farm
09-Medicine Jar
10-Band On The Run
Please trade freely
Do not convert to loosy except for personal use.
Never, oh never attempt to sell.
Here are the previous posts in this series
Elstree Rehearsal 9-6-1995
Southampton England 9-9-1975
Bristol England 9-10-1975
Cardiff Wales 9-11-1975
United Kingdom Tour
09/09/1975 *Gaumont - Southampton, England
09/10/1975 *Hippodrome - Bristol, England
09/11/1975 *Capitol - Cardiff, Wales
09/12/1975 Free Trade Hall - Manchester, England
09/13/1975 *Hippodrome - Birmingham, England
09/15/1975 Empire Theatre - Liverpool, England
09/16/1975 *City Halls - Newcastle upon Tyne, England
09/17/1975 *Hammersmith Odeon - London, England
09/18/1975 *Hammersmith Odeon - London, England
09/20/1975 Usher Hall - Edinburgh, Scotland
09/21/1975 *Apollo Centre - Glasgow, Scotland
09/22/1975 Capitol - Aberdeen, Scotland
09/23/1975 Caird Hall - Dundee, Scotland
"*" Denotes a show that I have.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: