Paul Rodgers
Pacific Coliseum
Vancouver, BC
August 28, 1997
** 16 BIT **
"The Kevin Davie Memorial Series" - Release #41
Source: ECM-909 microphone > Sony WM D6C Professional Recording Walkman (Dolby off) > Master cassette (Maxell XLII-S)
Transfer: Master cassette > Nakamichi BX-2 > Zoom H2 @ 24 bit/48 kHz > Traders Little Helper (level 8) > FLAC
Mastering: FLAC > Sound Forge Pro 11.0 Build 299 [iZotope Mastering Suite (declick); splicing, minor edits, normalize, & fades] > CDWav
(tracking) > iZotope MBIT+ (dithered and downsampled to 16 bit/44.1 kHz) > Trader's Little Helper (level 5) > FLAC > TagScanner
5.1 (tagging)
Taped by: Kevin Davie
Transferred by: Audioarchivist
Mastered by: Dennis Orr
01 Intro
02 Can't Get Enough
03 Saving Grace
04 Band Intros & Chat
05 Feel Like Making Love
06 All I Want Is You
07 Run With The Pack
08 Bad Company
09 Holding Back The Storm >
10 Soul Of Love
11 Shooting Star
12 All Right Now
Paul Rodgers - lead vocals & guitar
Geoff Whitehorn - guitar & backing vocals
Jaz Lochrie - bass & backing vocals
Jim Copley - drums
Show Notes:
- Part of the Pacific National Exhibition's annual "Star Spectacular".
- Ticket cost was $7.50, on top of the cost of the Fair's admission fee.
- Order of performances was Paul Rodgers, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, and Lynyrd Skynyrd
Mastering Notes:
- Tape flip during the applause after "Soul Of Love", applause faded out. Some of Paul's spoken intro to "Shooting Star" was lost.
The Kevin Davie Memorial Series
This series is in memory of Kevin Davie who died suddenly 31 March 2016. Kevin was an avid taper & recorded many concerts mainly in Vancouver,
Victoria & Toronto. All these recordings have been sourced directly from Kevin�s master cassettes. With thanks to Mary Davie, Kevin�s Mother
for allowing us access to all of Kevin�s masters. This is a joint venture between DGB, Dennis Orr, Seth Meister, Leif Henderson & John
MacMillan. Kevin was a dear friend of mine & helped me greatly when I first moved to Canada in June 1994 for which I will forever be grateful.
He had a great sense of humour. He was always happy to remind me of Ray Cooper�s percussion solo that I had to endure at the end of all the
Eric Clapton shows I went to in the 90s (there were many!). He did an excellent job in impersonating Mr. Cooper! Kevin had a great taste in
music & shared my love of the blues. We hope that you enjoy these releases & that we can continue Kevin�s legacy for many years to come. You
left this world way too soon. Rest in peace my friend.
Kevin and I had plans to post some of his shows himself. He needed the ratio boost! haha. We had begun to work on some of his shows, when we
had a bit of a dust up over something silly. Sadly, we never had the chance to mend fences together. Hopefully, through this series of shows,
Kevin's memory can be properly honoured and that he can continue to leave a lasting legacy with the recordings that he left behind. I also
hope that when I go beyond this world that my master cassette collection that I haven't gotten to will find a similar new home with trader's
and collectors and fans everywhere, too...
Please see the included "Kevin Davie info" folder for obituaries, etc.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: