Paul Simon
Sept 20, 2018
Madison Square Garden
New York, NY
Recorded by: Mr. Railing
Source: AT943cards>SP-SPSB-10>MM-AT-1>H2n(24/48)
Transfer: wavelab>r8b>cdwav>TLH(8)>flac
Location: Mics split 4 feet, DFC Sec 305 Row 1, on ledge using popsicle sticks.
01 America
02 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover
03 talking
04 The Boy In The Bubble
05 Dazzling Blue
06 That Was Your Mother
07 talking
08 Rewrite
09 talking
10 Mother And Child Reunion >
11 Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard
12 talking
13 Ren� And Georgette Magritte With Their Dog After The War
14 Can't Run But
15 talking
16 Bridge Over Troubled Water
17 Wristband
18 talking
19 Spirit Voices
20 The Obvious Child
21 talking
22 Questions For The Angels >
23 The Cool, Cool River >
24 Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes >
25 You Can Call Me Al
26 - encore break -
27 Late In The Evening
28 Still Crazy After All These Years
29 Graceland
30 - encore 2 break -
31 Homeward Bound
32 Kodachrome
33 The Boxer
34 American Tune
35 The Sound Of Silence
Notes: Had to cross Paul off my bucket list and what better time than his third to last show. The MacGyver in me was forced to improvise and build a setup on the fly. I placed mic clips, held in place with blue tape, on the end of popsicle sticks for better aim between gaps of the plexiglass barriers. The popsicle sticks were held in place in the openings with putty. Then four feet of wires were taped to the glass hidden a little below knee level. The setup took over 20 min to create and stretched over four seats! I did it all with the lights on pre-show and got strange looks as people watched. I'll come out of retirement with a bang for certain reasons and final shows are one. Thanks Paul!
**A Mr. Railing recording**
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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