Paula Cole
The Troubadour
West Hollywood, Calif.
October 23, 1996
source : KSCA-FM 101.9, Glendale
taper : markp
1. intro (1:09)
2. Happy Home (5:29)
3. Throwing Stones (4:32)
4. Mississippi (5:13)
5. Bethlehem (5:38)
6. Tiger (5:05)
7. Hush Hush Hush (5:55)
8. Feelin' Love (6:14)
9. Where Have All the Cowboys Gone? (5:07)
10. I Am So Ordinary (5:08)
11. Hitler's Brothers (5:09)
12. Watch the Woman's Hands (5:05)
13. DJ banter and crowd (1:15)
14. Carmen (4:57)
15. I Don't Want to Wait (4:46)
16. Jolene (4:02)*
17. outro (0:47)
* written by Dolly Parton
Paula Cole (vocal, piano)
Jay Bellerose (drums)
Phil Sullivan (guitar)
7/31/2006 I made these changes...
- faded in track 1
- faded out track 17, trimmed some DJ blather at end
- fixed static pops in track 9
- retracked whole show
- re-FLACed and added tags
- edited this text file
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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