Wuhlheide - Berlin, Germany
June 30, 2010

source: MBHO MBP 603A / KA200N > Sound Devices MP-2 > Edirol R-09HR
location: ~5m from right PA
mic config: ~DINA (17cm, 90º)
record format: 24bit/96.0kHz
final format: 16bit/44.1kHz
editing: WaveLab 6.10
tracking: CDWave 1.93

01. Intro
02. Long Road
03. Got Some
04. Why Go
05. Given to Fly
06. Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town
07. Push Me Pull Me
08. Immortality
09. In Hiding
10. Even Flow
11. Johnny Guitar
12. Corduroy
13. Light Years
14. Gonna See My Friend
15. World Wide Suicide
16. Low Light
17. Comatose (false start)
18. Comatose
19. Do the Evolution

(encore #1)
01. (encore break)
02. The End
03. Just Breathe
04. Spin the Black Circle
05. Public Image [Public Image Limited]
06. The Fixer
07. Kick Out the Jams [MC5] *
(encore #2)
08. Unthought Known
09. Black
10. Come Back
11. Alive
12. Yellow Ledbetter

* w/Peter Buck & Scott McCaughey of R.E.M.