Perpetual Groove
Athens, Georgia Georgia Theatre
Source: Schoeps m934c> M221B> PS> Aeta PSP-3 + Schoeps mk21> KC5> M222> NT222> Aeta PSP-3> SD 744t (@24bit/48kHz)
Location: DFC, FOH, 9', m934c/cardioid/DIN, mk21/NOS
Transfer: SD 744t> Samplitude SE 9.1.1(dither/resample)> CDWave> flac(16/44.1)
Taped, Transferred & Seeded by: taylorc (07/15/2012)
Albro Set
t01 [05:06] Beez In The Trap>
t02 [07:11] Dreamer
t03 [03:52] Man On The Corner
t04 [04:10] Turn In Your Weapons
Set I
t05 [11:39] It Starts Where It Ends
t06 [06:26] Green Light Go
t07 [06:56] My Favorite Color
t08 [08:17] 53 More Things To Do In Zero Gravity
t09 [09:58] Out Here>
t10 [15:14] Decepticon Structure
t11 [08:37] A Day The Way
Set II
t12 [06:00] Paper Dolls
t13 [07:22] Holy Ship
t14 [12:25] Two Shores
t15 [10:49] Cabulo Monstrosity>
t16 [06:23] God's Gonna Cut You Down>
t17 [01:54] Cabulo Monstrosity
t18 [05:33] Fend For Your Life>
t19 [21:48] Speed Queen
t20 [02:05] crowd
t21 [13:03] Diggin' In The Dirt
Stokeswood opened
Paper Dolls, first time played
Albro Set [20:19] Set I [1:07:07] Set II [1:14:19] Encore [13:03]