The Persuasions
March 17, 1979 [1979-03-17]
The Paradiso
Santa Cruz, California
from KUSP station soundboard reel master. Complete show.
Lineage: Revox B77 > KUSP pre-broadcast 1/2 track 10.5 inch stereo soundboard reel master at 7.5 ips speed.
Transfer [grner1 circa 2000]: Revox A700 (with azimuth adjustment) > Macintosh with Digidesign Audiomedia III sound card > Pro Tools (minor “nip and tuck” edits, normalization & tracking - no equalization or noise reduction) > AIFF files > xACT (Flac level 8 files, tagged with sector boundaries verified) > you.
01 [0:47] KUSP DJ Champagne Charlie intro
02 [2:41] Get A Job
03 [3:34] Searchin' For My Baby
04 [0:24] talk
05 [3:23] Searchin'
06 [2:49] Let Them Talk
07 [3:08] Return To Sender
08 [2:56] Handy Man
09 [5:17] Tom Dooley
10 [0:55] Lowenbrau commercial
11 [0:30] Baby What You Want Me To Do?
12 [0:16] KUSP station ID
13 [3:50] Vaya Con Dios
14 [0:32] band intros
15 [2:18] One Mint Julep
16 [4:15] By The Time I Get To Phoenix
17 [0:31] talk
18 [5:15] Love Me Like A Rock
19 [1:21] encore break
20 [4:12] People Get Ready
21 [2:05] outro by KUSP DJ’s Champagne Charlie and Ice Cube Slim
total - 50:59
Jerry Lawson
Jayotis Washington
Jimmy Hayes
Joseph Russell
Herbert "Tuobo" Rhoad
grner1 notes 2020-12-25: For many years, KUSP-FM stored many of their pre-broadcast reels in the outer hallway of their studios. After a few times visiting friends who DJ’ed at the station, I convinced one of them to let me borrow a few, one or two at a time to transfer and then bring right back. I grabbed what looked most interesting, and this was one of them! By the way, the venue, Paradiso, was in The Catalyst original location, on the ground floor of the St. George Hotel. (The Catalyst moved to its present location in 1976.)
Please support The Persuasions any way you can! Enjoy and SHARE!
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