Pharoah Sanders Quartet
15. November 1987
Laaren, Netherland

FM-Broadcast (Dutch FM Broadcast)>?>Cassette (me)>Edirol>HD>CDWav>FLAC'd, Level 8 with TLH>FLAC

My Cassette was a Maxell XLII-S 90 min Cassette. I used a Yamaha KX 390 Tape deck with Azimuth aligned and an Edirol 09 for transferring to Digital

Mastering with Audacity:
- in/outfades
- reduced level of the applause a little bit and lifted the overall level a tad bit
- repaired two "digital flaws"
- track 05: splice together from Cass A side (end) and B-side (start)
Nothing else was done.

Pharoah Sanders - sax
John Hicks - piano
Curtis Lundy – bass
?? - drums

01. FM Host
05. (incomplete: fades out. FM Host talks-over at the end)
