Phil and Friends, 6/25/2019 Terrapin Crossroads - Backyard, San Rafael, CA

1. Uncle John's Band
2. crowd
3. Black Muddy River
4. Candyman
5. Cassidy
6. crowd
7. Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodleloo
8. crowd
9. The Eleven >
10. The Wheel
11. Tomorrow Never Knows

Complete Audience Recording by Edward - wind noise
Source Info: Edward's Audience master -> Flac 24/192
Transfer Info: Flac-> Audacity (Track boundaries) -> Metadatics (Metadata)->Flac 24/192

Recording Notes: Edward worked insanely hard to make brilliant recordings of many many
of Phil's shows in the later 2010s. He was very private, and never disclosed his name,
or even what equipment he used. But the sound speaks for itself. The only processing
was to fix the sometimes rather random track boundaries and fill in the track metadata.

Edward: "No windscreen = horrible noise, ranging well into unlistenable.
Perhaps some kind soul will edit it out for the benefit of others,
as the last 35 minutes or so was special. Doubtful that I will ever
learn to do such things myself, in this lifetime at least."
Me: He exagerates a bit!

Show Notes:
songs to phil the air: ft. phil lesh, stu allen, scott guberman & alex koford. 5pm