The Pietasters
Friday November 24, 2017
The 9:30 Club
Washington, D.C.
Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of their album "Willis".
Opening Bands: The Players Band, Bumpin Uglies
Stereo Soundboard + On-Stage Mics 2 Source Mix
Source Info:
Source 1: Soundboard (Custom Stereo Mix by Todd Harris) > Custom Patch Cables >
Edirol R-09 (Line-In @ 16/44.1)
Source 2: 2 ADK ST-1 Multi-Pattern Large Diaphragm Condenser Mics
set to Omnidirectional/10db Pad On/Bass Roll-Off On (8.5 feet high
& spread 30 feet on the edge of the stage under & behind the
hanging speaker stacks & above & behind the side fill speakers) >
Behringer XENYX 1202 Mixer > Edirol R-09 (Line-In @ 16/44.1)
Total Time: 1:23:07
01 - Intro (DJ Selah)
02 - Freak Show
03 - Don't Wanna Know
04 - Fozzy (Part 1)
05 - Something Better
06 - Hypnotize*
07 - Biblical Sense
08 - Bitter Bastard*
09 - Keep On Lying*
10 - Moment
11 - New Breed+
12 - Bitter+
13 - Quicksand+
14 - Crime+
15 - Apeman (The Kinks)
16 - Girl Take It Easy
17 - Higher+
18 - Stone Feeling+
19 - Ocean+
20 - Change My Ways
21 - Fat Sack+
22 - Out All Night+
23 - Crazy Monkey Woman+
24 - Encore Break (DJ Selah)
25 - Factory
26 - Listen To Her Heart (Tom Petty)
27 - Maggie Mae
Bonus Track (Soundboard Only):
28 - Apeman (Short Soundcheck Excerpt)
*New Unreleased Song
+From the 1997 album "Willis"
Steve Jackson - Lead Vocals
DJ Selah - Vocals
Jorge Pezzimenti - Guitar (Panned Left)
Joe Ross - Guitar (Panned Right)
Dave Vermillion - Bass (Panned Slightly Right)
Dan Schneider - Keyboards (Panned Slightly Left)
Rob Steward - Drums (Toms & Cymbals Panned Right to Left)
Alan Makranczy - Tenor Saxophone (Panned Right)
Carlos Linares - Trumpet (Panned Right)
Jeremy Roberts - Trombone (Panned Left)
Eric Raecke - Baritone Saxophone (Panned Left)
Recorded by Gregg Seitz (RaverOnARoll).
Processed, Mixed & Tracked using Sony Sound Forge Pro 10 (January 2018).
Encoded (FLAC Level 8) and Tagged using dBpowerAMP Music Converter 14.2.
Thanks to Gus & everyone at The 9:30 Club.
Thanks to The Pietasters for the All-Access Pass & for their kind permission to record this great show!
Repay their generosity by purchasing their music & merchandise at
...and by all means GO SEE THEM LIVE!
-RaverOnARoll (January 2018)
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: