Pigpen - Mega-rare restored LP "Bring Me My Shot Gun" acoustic demos, unknown dates and locations THANKS LL
Since I heard that Pigpen died yesterday, I have done this set up for you. These sound like home demos, possibly recorded on cassette tape. The tape used for this LP may or may not be a copy. It sure is interesting to listen to, man the guy could really play the blues. At times there appears to be one or more other people in the distant background doing accompanyment, you'll have to tell me that.
I've used a set of rules for editing this album, thought you should know them. If the recorder was turned off and there was only tape hiss or record groove noise, it was edited out. If the recorder was left on and Pigpen simply moved on to the next tune it was left alone, even if you only heard tape hiss for a moment. False starts were left intact at the beginning of each number when it occurred, there were no further track edits.
The cover of this album doesn't even list half of the tunes played. I'm not sure of song titles in some cases, and the ones I do have may require correction.
Setlist (run time 43m21s)
CC Rider
Guitar instrumental Version one
Version two
Version three
Version four
Bring Me My Shotgun Version one
Katie Mae
Bring Me My Shotgun Version two
I Got A Woman
Hitchhiking Woman
Piano Blues
I Got Two Women Version one
I Got Two Women Version two
Santa Fe Queen
Gas Station/Michael
Hobo Jungle
Hobo Jungle Rap
Lineage: Brigand Records BRIG 026 ->Sound Forge ->click and crackle removal tool ->FLAC via TLH, level 6, sectors aligned and verified, FLAC integrity checked
A DoinkerTape
ps: Somewhere I have a trading tape labeled "Pig Pen At Home". Don't know if this is the same thing or not.