Pink Floyd Parc De Vincennes 1970-09-12 from low-gen tape, longer and of better quality (read notes) very intense show (mp3 sample included)

This transfer is taken from a series of trades I did in the 1980's. It's not your mother's Parc De Vincennes, nor your fathers... it might not even be a good Parc De Vincennes, but it IS a longer Parc De Vincennes. And, you might want to hold onto your coffee cup during this one, especially "Careful...", the set is rather intense and unique.

I've been laying back from posting in general as life's little games are being played. Truthfully, if I was going to make a fresh post here, I wanted it to BE something.

All known sources of this show as listed by say this show is about 36 minutes. This one is over 40.

Astronomie Domine 9:34
Green Is The Colour 2:59
Careful With That Axe, Eugene 13:05
Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun 15:05

Furthermore, my copy ran desperately slow. I pitched this version by ear on the cassette deck, hopefully my hearing is still intact. I did not edit out glitches in this recording in the hopes that another version might have fills.

Lineage->Trade cassette TDK AD-120 pitch-corrected on Tascam 112MKII->Sound Forge->Flac via Flac Frontend, level 6, sectors aligned and verified


A DoinkerTape