Boeblingen (GER)
Nov. 15, 1972

lineage: BASF C120 cassette copy from master (1st gen)

incomplete recording, cuts in near the end of "Time". Received in a trade in early eighties from the original taper (Uli). As far as I know this recording was never circulated before. The quality I'd rate g to vg mono (samples included). This recording also could shed some light on the correct running order of the set (listen to the transition from "Eclipse" to "Careful.."). It has "One Of These Days" as the *last* song of the regular set which explains RW saying "Good night" after that song.

This is just a straight copy of my 1st gen cassette, no cuts, no fades.

Disc 1 (Cassette Side 1)

Time (cuts in near the end)
Breathe (reprise)
The Great Gig In The Sky
Us And Them
Any Colour You Like
Brain Damage
Careful With That Axe, Eugene

Disc 2 (Cassette Side 2)

Looking Through The Knotholes In Granny's Wooden Leg (Echoes)
One Of These Days
E: tuning
E: Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun

uploaded to DIME by weizman, Oct. 6, 2010

As always: Enjoy! Share! Never sell! No lossy formats! Etc. etc. etc.